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Bates News, Events  |  07-09-19

Join Bates Group at the SIFMA Regulation Best Interest Seminar


Bates Group is a proud sponsor of the SIFMA Regulation Best Interest Seminar on Wednesday, July 10 in Washington, D.C. Speakers will address the final Reg BI rule, form CRS, and the broader regulatory landscape. Look for financial services industry leader and Bates Senior Compliance Consultant Jerry Baker (pictured above) at the seminar!

About Bates

Bates Group’s Compliance team of senior compliance staff and former regulators brings tailored consulting services and solutions to financial services clients on an as-needed or ongoing basis. Bates assists with Reg BI implementation, disclosures, conflicts of interest, supervision, risk assessments, WSPs, annual compliance reviews, mock exams, regulatory remediation, and internal audits. We review and test firms’ programs, policies and procedures, recommending changes based on regulatory requirements and best practices designed to supplement and enhance compliance and supervisory systems and remediate the results of regulatory and internal audit findings.


Learn more about Bates Group's Reg BI Services
